Environmental solutions

Sustainable water management

Managing surface water is an area of increasing importance in Scotland. We provide strategies at a variety of scales, using nature-based solutions to manage water and deliver a host of environmental and social benefits.

What we do

scalable nature-based solutions

Our expertise in sustainable water management means we can offer solutions from river catchment projects to local community raingardens. Find out more about how we use our experience in developing blue-green infrastructure to address surface water while delivering quality greenspace.

Raingarden design & installation

Raingardens are areas of planting designed to capture the rainwater that runs off hard surfaces, slowly releasing it back into our drains. They help to reduce flooding, protect our rivers and waterways, and provide positive environments for people and wildlife.

We can design and deliver raingarden features as part of our wider greenspace projects, or as standalone climate adaptation measures.

To promote the use of nature-based solutions for surface water management, we lead the 10,000 Raingardens for Scotland initiative. We champion and encourage the use of raingardens as a sustainable drainage solution, focussing on the wide range of benefits they can provide.

Delivering river projects at scale

We bring together partners such as SEPA, Local Authorities, landowners and other stakeholders to work in collaboration on options for river restoration in priority catchment areas.

We have particular experience of managing projects funded by SEPA under the Water Environment Fund.

Focussing on repairing damaged urban rivers, slowing the flow of water to ease downstream flooding issues and improving river corridor biodiversity, we use a RIBA staged approach to oversee river improvement interventions from conceptualisation and consultation to delivery on the ground.

Our approach

The four pillars of Sustainable Drainage

Our focus on high-quality blue-green infrastructure relates to the overarching principle that surface water runoff should be managed for maximum benefit for people and nature. We follow the principles of CIRIA’s four pillars of SuDS, as outlined in their SuDS manual.

Water Quantity

Control runoff to manage flood risk and maintain and protect the natural water cycle.

Water Quality

Manage the quality of the runoff to prevent pollution.


Create and sustain better places for people.


Create and sustain better places for nature.

Featured Project

converting flooded rose garden to raingarden

This project sought to reimagine Zetland Park’s historic Rose Garden as a demonstrator climate adaptation project. The previously water-logged area was redesigned to include biodiverse planting, raised community food-growing beds, a new accessible permeable path and a large swale, which collects water from across the garden after rainfall events.

Laying The Groundwork
Installation Complete
Raingarden in Action

Contact us to start your project

We can plan and deliver your project to sustainably manage surface water. From restoring riparian woodlands to retrofitting raingardens, the first step is to speak to us.

Promoting sustainable water management

10,000 raingardens for scotland

Our 10,000 Raingardens for Scotland campaign is designed to promote and encourage the use of raingardens as a sustainable and natural way to manage water, particularly in urban areas. It also supports the creation of wildlife friendly, accessible greenspace, reduces pollution, and provides attractive places for people to visit.

The aim is to reach 10,000 raingardens across the country, which will make a big difference in reducing the impacts of flooding and protecting the quality of our watercourses. Visit the campaign website to find out more.

Project examples

our sustainable water management projects

We’ve delivered raingardens and managed river catchment projects across the country. Browse the gallery for a selection of our work and visit the projects page for more in-depth examples.

Zetland Park Raingarden

We adapted and enhanced the Zetland Park Rose Garden by integrating a raingarden into its redevelopment.

Queensland Court, Glasgow

Greenspace creation at Queensland Court, Glasgow. This shows the site during construction of the new raingarden, which we facilitated through a process of community consultation and local events.

Leven Programme

The Leven Programme is a series of connected projects along the River Leven in Fife, which have the environment, heritage and people at their heart.

Crossmill Weir Removal

Opening up the Levern Water for migratory fish, improving the river’s physical condition and ecological status.

Central Scotland Green Network

We are responsible for driving the delivery of the CSGN. Covering 10,000 square kilometres and with a 40-year timeframe, this is one of the largest and most ambitious green infrastructure programmes in Europe.


Related articles

Read our selected blogs and project stories related to this area of our work, or browse all articles on our Blogs page.

Scaling collaboration and overcoming barriers to nature-based infrastructure

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Barrier to fish migration removed on Levern Water

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