Proposed Environmental Enhancements at Nelson Park Armadale




4 November 2021

West Lothian Council has asked Green Action Trust to draw up environmental proposals in advance of Nelson Park being designated as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty in 2022. Park proposals include tree planting, surfacing the existing grass path and a seasonal wetland area. The proposed design plan can be viewed below, your comments on these proposals are now sought:

Nelson Park Consultation Plan

The existing entrance area off St. Paul’s Drive will be enhanced by removing the lower section of hard standing and using this to form the base of low embankments on each side of the entrance which will then be covered with soil and seeded. Bollards will be positioned in between these to limit traffic onto site but still allow for future maintenance. Additional shrub planting and signage in this area will create a formal entrance to the park.

The planting of broadleaf trees is proposed on site. This will be a mix of species suitable for wet sites which will be planted in groups throughout the park. Community events will be arranged early next year for members of the public to help create the new woodland and take part in the unique tree planting initiative to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

A new whindust surfaced path is proposed to create a circular route around the site. This will follow the route of the existing grass path from the cul-de-sac off St. Paul’s Drive. A connection onto Mallace Avenue, over the eastern boundary, is being considered and will be implemented if consent is received from third parties. Whindust is not sealed (as on a pavement) but it will improve accessibility on site and allow water to drain away after it has rained.

A scrape is proposed in the northern area of the site. A scrape is a shallow depression with gently sloping edges, which seasonally holds water. It will be a natural drainage feature which will also support wildlife. Wetland plants will be added to improve biodiversity and attract birds, insects and small animals.

Two seating perches are proposed for resting and enjoying the improved greenspace. These will be located off the path in the west of the site.

Work is proposed to commence in the New Year with the removal of the existing goal post, removal of 3 large Poplar trees and ground preparation for tree and path works. The community tree planting events will then be held with the remaining work completed by the end of March 2022.

If you have any questions or comments to make, please send these to [email protected] by midnight on 21 November 2021.