
Mark Smillie

Director of Corporate Services

Since joining the Trust, Mark has held a number of key management positions including, Head of Operations, Head of Partner Support & Finance, and Head of Development.

As an experienced accountant, Mark has led the finance function of the charity for 25 years. Mark is a professional manager, qualified in PRINCE 2 project management systems. He has completed the Common Purpose Senior Leadership programme, and has participated in several advanced leadership programmes. Mark is inspired by Edward De Bono and Simon Sinek.

In addition to the above, Mark is experienced in partnership development and has participated in many external bodies such as Landscape Partnership Boards, and Landfill Tax distribution bodies, specialising in achieving landscape scale environmental programmes. Mark currently sits on the board of the Environmental Key Fund, and Beechbrae, an award winning SCIO pioneering wellbeing treatment and trauma recovery through environmental engagement.