Specialist Services

Programme development & management

Effective environmental regeneration can involve work that spans decades. We take on development and management programmes to realise long-term objectives for green infrastructure and woodland.


Supporting Longer Term plans

In our line of work, playing the long game pays dividends. From planting and managing woodlands to developing partnership programmes of landscape-scale change, we can supply the expertise needed to nurture plans over years.

Taking the long-term view has also helped us to develop our approach to monitoring and evaluation of outcomes and impacts, so that future projects or phases can build on the insights gathered from previous work.

In detail

Our development & management services

We can offer specialist services in the following areas.

Greenspace masterplanning

We provide strategic support to create masterplans for the redevelopment of places across Scotland.

We ensure that blue and greenspaces are placed at the heart of future regeneration activity, providing certainty on what needs to be done and an indication as to how much it will cost.

This helps to inform and speed up the planning process and also assists the generation of funding packages to deliver key elements of the plans.

For more details about how we can help to develop masterplans in your area, please get in touch.

Programme Development & Management

For programmes to be successful and sustainable they require a clear vision, governance and leadership structure. This is especially true when working in complex partnerships.

We have considerable experience of guiding diverse stakeholders towards a shared understanding of programme objectives, including partner responsibilities and clarity on outputs and outcomes.

These are embedded within Terms of Reference agreements with our clients and facilitates programmes and projects to develop within scope.

To learn more about our work in this area, visit the large scale partnerships page.

Managing a woodland portfolio

We work with landowners and land managers on long-term plans for managing areas of woodland and forestry.

Our forestry team has a wealth of experience planning and overseeing works and securing the funding needed to facilitate ongoing woodland management plans.

Get in touch with our foresters to plan the long-term health of your woodland.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Our projects deliver positive social, economic and environmental change. We know this because we take care to measure and evaluate impacts.

We have considerable experience of monitoring progress towards project and programme objectives. We can help provide you and your partners with the evidence you need to demonstrate that you have met planned outcome targets, whether over a period of months or years.

Our services include developing project-specific monitoring plans, full logic models, evaluation of KPIs, identification of impacts and reporting to funders and other stakeholders.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you evaluate success in meeting your project objectives

Call in the Experts

Let us help you build a lasting environmental legacy. The first step is to get in touch with our team and tell us about your long-term plans.


Why commission Green Action Trust

Four decades of experience goes a long way, but it’s not just about how many years we’ve been operating. Commissioning or partnering with us means tapping into our ability to add value to projects, literally by accessing funding, but also by taking a holistic view of long-term environmental and planning policy and best practice.

A holistic approach

We look at the bigger picture, not only by offering a complete solution from inception to delivery, but by taking a holistic approach to delivering interconnected outcomes. You can also rely on our insight and advice on national policy, frameworks and targets.

Leverage Funding

Our intricate knowledge of funding streams means we routinely multiply the value of projects. Alongside leveraging our involvement in national programmes, this allows us to deliver more outcomes for clients, without increasing their own budget.

Feasibility & Scoping

As our mission is to deliver positive environmental outcomes for Scotland, we will actively look to develop ideas with potential partners and scope their feasibility. 

Project examples

Browse our projects

We have been developing and managing environmental programmes across Scotland for decades. Browse the gallery for a selection of our work and visit the projects page for more in-depth examples.

Leven Programme

The Leven Programme is a series of connected projects along the River Leven in Fife, which have the environment, heritage and people at their heart.

Clyde Climate Forest

Delivering a vision to plant 18 million trees in both urban and rural parts of Glasgow City Region over the next decade.

Queensland Court, Glasgow

Greenspace creation at Queensland Court, Glasgow. This shows the site during construction of the new raingarden, which we facilitated through a process of community consultation and local events.

Ravenscraig Park

We helped North Lanarkshire Council transform this site from a former steel works into usable greenspace and outdoor recreation facility for local communities.

Zetland Park Raingarden

We adapted and enhanced the Zetland Park Rose Garden by integrating a raingarden into its redevelopment.

Avenue End Road Greenspace Enhancement

We were commissioned by Glasgow City Council to transform an area of vacant and derelict land into a community asset, creating woodland and wetland habitat, a teaching circle and preserving important water vole habitat.

Lochshore, Ayrshire

Woodland creation project at Lochshore.

Cart & Kittoch Woodland

Creating a native broadleaf woodland south of Glasgow for local communities to use and to connect woodland habitats across the city.

Cadder Woods

A multi-phase project to make Cadder Woods a safe, accessible and enjoyable place where nature and community can thrive.

Faifley Knowes Greenspace

Enhancing valuable greenspace, making it a more accessible, biodiverse and enjoyable space for the community.

Cumnock Memory Garden

Creating a safe, peaceful and accessible dementia-friendly garden in East Ayrshire

Polmont Woodlands

This project for Falkirk Council aimed to improve the resilience, amenity, and conservation value of woodlands across the Polmont area.

Glendevon Drive Greenspace

Making the greenspace along Glendevon Drive more climate resilient and turning it into a more welcoming park space for the local community.

Crossmill Weir Removal

Opening up the Levern Water for migratory fish, improving the river’s physical condition and ecological status.

Shotts Nature Park

Enhancing biodiversity and improving accessibility in this popular outdoor space in North Lanarkshire.

Safer Routes to School, Denny

We were commissioned by Falkirk Council to develop this safe active travel route in Denny.

Kilmacolm Community Woodland

Our aim is to work with the community to create a woodland site that can be enjoyed by all and remains a haven for wildlife.

Rannoch Park

We are working with Falkirk Council and Inner Forth Futures to make Rannoch Park more climate resilient and welcoming for the local community.